Guitar Body Sizes

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been looking into building my first solid body electric guitar. If it’s one thing I’ve learned, preparation is the key. Now I am at the stage where I’m looking to purchase some native timbers in order to make some guitars with a New Zealand flavour and quality.
My first guitar I intend to be a Rimu one, as it has beautiful qualities.
However, I am forever forgetting the sizes of wood that I need for the build. I have the neck sorted, with needing about 700mm lengths (90x700x25). These get laminated together with a piece of hardwood in between them. However; the body keeps slipping my mind, and so I pulled together all the images of different guitar measurements and compiled them into one easy reference chart.
Hopefully you find it as useful as I do.
EDIT: Apologies for the earlier heading “Guitar TONEWOOD Sizes”. As I was incredibly naive when I made this, I was ignorant to the meaning of tonewood when talking guitars, and in particular, electric guitars.

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