

Good Friday Cross 2016

Each year I make a cross on Good Friday. I have done since sitting on the shores of Lake Rotowiti in 2000 while on ‘Solo’ with Boys’ Brigade National Leadership Development Course. This year, I decided I would make the…

Guitar Body Sizes

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been looking into building my first solid body electric guitar. If it’s one thing I’ve learned, preparation is the key. Now I am at the stage where I’m looking to purchase some…

Depression: When You Understand

I used to think suicide was a way to get attention. I’d threaten it to get someone, anyone, to notice me; to take me seriously. Then I experienced it. A mate I’d spent time growing up with hung himself. His…

Good Friday Cross 2014

Each year since I left school I have made a cross in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. This year is no different.To make this year’s cross, I was inspired by hot cross buns. Of late I’ve been doing a bit of…

My Fight With Depression

In November 2012 I knew there was a problem.I couldn’t focus like I used to. I lost all sense of time. I couldn’t order things into priorities. I couldn’t see past one thing at a time. And as a Teacher,…

Trip to Taranaki

This week, Vicky and I got to head away for our 3rd Wedding anniversary. We got married on the first day of the middle school holidays in 2010. This year we were couple of weeks late of the actual date, due…

Taupo: 2 Years Anniversary

Because I am a teacher, we were able to get married during the July school holidays, and forever have some sort of time off around our anniversary.This year, for our 2 year anniversary, we took a week and went up…

Good Friday Cross 2012

Every year since 2001 I have made a cross on Good Friday. My first one was made on the shores of Lake Rotowiti whilst on Solo (3 days in the bush alone). Each year I set out to do something…